The Common Press is delighted to be trialling a Queer Legal Clinic to provide members of our community with imprtial legal advice. The clinic is facilitated by Honza Cervenka, senior associate at McAllister Olivarius.
Honza Cervenka is a solicitor of England & Wales and an attorney registered with the California Bar. He works on a wide variety of our cases on both sides of the Atlantic, including civil, employment, and data protection litigation in the UK, and Title VII and Title IX discrimination cases in the US. Due to his background in IT, he works on the technical aspects of helping people whose reputations have been attacked online.
You can read more about Honza here:
Slots at the clinic are 20 minutes long and are completely free. Please only book one slot. If your legal issue concerns a partner, housemate, or friend, they are welcome to attend with you, but please still only book one slot so that this service remains available to as many people as possible.
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